Have you ever wondered why we sing so much during the Advent season? In churches all across the world, in many different languages, and spanning centuries across time, countless Christmas carols have been sung. In fact, no other person in history has ever had so many songs written about His birth as Jesus of Nazareth. Not even close.
We know why we sing at Christmas. God Himself has come to us! He left heaven and came into our lost world because He loves us.
The first songs of Advent were not composed by Bach or Handel. They were not called “Silent Night” or “Joy to the World.” The very first songs about the birth of our Savior were recorded in the Gospel of Luke and were sung by first-century Jews: Mary, Zechariah, Simeon, and even a stunning angelic choir whose sound must have been out of this world!
Rejoice: Celebrating the Season of Advent is a four-week Bible study to discover the songs of Advent that express our joy at the birth of the long-awaited Messiah.
This journal includes daily readings and SOAP verses, devotions to aid in understanding, reflection questions, and encouragement from women around the world.
Perfect for personal or small group study, Rejoice: Celebrating the Season of Advent will take us on a journey of song through God's Word as we learn how to praise our Savior in the Advent season and throughout the year.
In this Digital Resource Bundle, we have assembled beautiful digital resources for easy and convenient use on your phone, tablet, or computer, including:
Included in the Rejoice: Celebrating the Season of Advent digital study journal, you’ll find:
Four-week reading plan
Daily Scripture readings
Daily devotions
Weekly memory verses, challenges, and reflection questions
Global highlight: LGG Albanian Branch
Please note: All files in this bundle will be delivered via email as digital downloads in PDF format and no physical product will be shipped. Digital products are non-refundable after your order has been placed.
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