Come, Lord Jesus, Come
Come, Lord Jesus, Come
Come, Lord Jesus, Come
Come, Lord Jesus, Come
Come, Lord Jesus, Come
Come, Lord Jesus, Come

Come, Lord Jesus, Come

Regular price$24.99

We all feel it. There has been a shift. The world seems out of control, and what we’ve read in the Bible concerning the last days seems to be coming true right before our eyes. Our days are a cocktail of fear, deception, and discord. As we look to the future, many of us are feeling hopeless.

Yet, Jesus’ final words recorded in the Gospel of Matthew were words of encouragement: Do not fear. Jesus took the time to remind us that He would never leave us. But how can we be encouraged when so much in our world is falling apart? How can we have hope? How can we look to the future without fear?

The answer is God. God is our hope and our destination. We don’t have to fear our futures because our futures are secure in Him.

The purpose of this study is not to dive into the timeline or interpretations of end-times events. Instead, the purpose is to encourage us and help us hold on to the hope we have in Christ as we prepare our minds and hearts for the last days.

In this six-week study, we will see throughout the Bible that Jesus, as well as others, often talked about His return. The purpose of this study is to offer encouragement as the hour draws near, helping us to live aware but not in fear. As we watch and wait for Christ’s return, may He find us working and witnessing. The one who testifies to these things says, “Yes, I am coming soon!” Amen! Come, Lord Jesus! – Revelations 22:20

This study journal includes daily readings and SOAP verses, devotions to aid in understanding, as well as reflection questions and highlights from a global Love God Greatly branch. Perfect for personal or small group study, Come, Lord Jesus, Come will offer you encouragement in your walk of faith.

The Come, Lord Jesus, Come Bible study journal includes:

- 200+ pages
- Six-week reading plan
- Daily Scripture readings
- SOAP journaling pages
- Daily devotionals
- Weekly challenges and reflection questions
- Global highlight: LGG Northern Macedonian Branch
- Beautiful full-color photography

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By purchasing Love God Greatly Bible study journals, you are directly supporting the ministry of Love God Greatly, reaching thousands of women with God's Word in their own native, heart languages! Thank you for your support!

Bulk pricing is available for this study! Click here to learn more!


If you are unable to afford a journal at this time, we want to lovingly provide a FREE DOWNLOAD version so you can easily participate in our studies.

Our heart at Love God Greatly is to break down barriers so regardless of your native language or financial status, you can have access to God’s Word and join us.


Your purchase helps another woman have access to Bible studies in her own language.

Come, Lord Jesus, Come is available in the following languages:

AfrikaansAlbanianArabic • BulgarianChinese (Simplified) • Chinese (Traditional) • Czech • Dutch • French • Indonesian • ItalianKarenLuo • MacedonianPolish • Portuguese (South American) • Portuguese (European) • Russian • Slovak • SlovenianSpanish • SwahiliTagalogUkrainian

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Cindy Andreini

Love this !!!!!

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I love how women across the nation encourage and share how God is moving in their lives

United States

Thank you for helping us minister to those here that are hungry for God


Such a simple yet profound way to read God’s Word and apply it to every day life

LGG Facilitator, United States
Love God Greatly

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Your purchase helps another woman have access to Bible studies in her own language.100% of funds from journal & apparel purchases go directly toward the development of resources for women globally. Each purchase helps us translate our studies into 40+ languages and provide them to women who cannot afford them.